Would you like to be a vital part of the Great Commission?
Would you like to strengthen your witnessing skills?
Would you like to see people come to know Christ?
If you said ”Yes” to any of these, this trip is for you.
On March 12-23, 2025 we will take an evangelistic mission trip to Kakamega, Kenya, where we will work with local churches to spread the Gospel. You may be sharing your faith with friends and family members of the church members, you may be sharing in a park or a school or just walking down the street talking to people and knocking on doors.
Sound intimidating? Don't worry. We will provide you with the necessary tools and training. We will pair you with a church who will accompany you. You just need to bring a heart willing to serve God.
On average, every participant will see 100 people pray to accept Jesus.This trip is a culmination of months of prayer and planning. While you are preparing to go, the churches in Kenya are preparing for you to come.
Cost Includes:
Dallas/Houston | $3800 |
Oklahoma City/Tulsa | $3850 |
Colorado Springs | $3900 |
Other cities available upon request |
Connexion Worldwide was started by Stephen Miles in 2016 on the foundation of the Great Commission - that we need to tell the world about Jesus. Today, Connexion has 37 representatives across the world that coordinate over 350 evangelical projects spreading the Gospel to over one million people each year.